Everything You Need to Know About the “Perfect” Night-Out Dress

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If you’re a busy socialite, you probably have an agenda full of events lined up from now until New Year’s. Each occasion calls for a different dress, depending on the venue and event. And while it’s important to stay true to your own individual sense of style, it’s also important to pay attention to social etiquette and dress appropriately.

To make sure you look fabulous without looking out of place, follow these styling tips so that you’re always wearing the perfect night-out dress.

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There’s a style for every purpose

Whether you shop online or stroll through your favorite mall, it’s clear that there are thousands of dresses for every occasion. And sometimes, it can be downright overwhelming to figure out where to look and what to look for.

Before you start looking for a dress, try to gauge what kind of dress you actually can wear. Here’s how you can do that.

Is there a dress code?

Some clubs or formal events come with their own dress code. This can help you immediately narrow down what is and isn’t appropriate!

What is everyone else wearing?

Now, sometimes you shouldn’t just follow the crowd, and you also shouldn’t follow trends blindly. However, when it comes to a night out, it can help to follow the lead of other fashionistas.

If you’re going to a club, try to find what most ladies tend to wear there. If your colleagues or friends have been to a venue before, pick their brains to gauge the dress code.

Figuring out what’s appropriate for the event and/or venue is usually the easy part. The hard part? Shopping for the perfect night-out dress. That’s because there are literally thousands of sites and shops to peruse.

To help you sift the chaff from the wheat, and come away with winning number, do some online curating before you start shopping.

In a word: Pinterest or Instagram. But instead of mindless scrolling, be intentional about looking for dresses that you want to wear. Create a board of your favorites, and you’ll probably find that there’s a consistent theme running through them.

PS: Here's our Pinterest fashion board which you might enjoy. 

You’ll identify favorite colors, styles, lengths, necklines, and sleeves. Some of these images may directly link to online stores, where you can purchase the dress directly.

And if you prefer to do your shopping in-store, you can find these same or similar stores to test the waters and see if these styles actually suit you.

Perfect Night-Out Dress for Different Occasions

It goes without saying that you can find a lot of dress options online, but that doesn’t mean that makes it any easier to find one. Apart from the tips we mentioned above, there are some pointers you can stick to when shopping for different occasions. Let’s check them out now.

Dresses for date nights

When it comes to date nights, there are some important factors to keep in mind. Here’s a quick roundup:

• Be comfortable: If you don’t feel comfortable and confident in what you’re wearing, it will show up in your body language and guys can definitely see that. So no matter what you wear, make sure it feels true to you.

• Be sexy: Now, sexy is very personal, and what makes you feel sexy might not make the next dame feel sexy. But always make sure your outfit as some sex appeal. But just be sure not to go all out. A little mystery and allure go a long way. What does this mean? If you decide to show a lot of leg, keep your top covered. On the flip side, deep cuts should be balanced with less leg.

Wedding celebrations

While the bride tends to steal the show, weddings are a fun time for guests to play with fashion.

Just be sure you’re respectful of the venue and any dress codes the couple has set. Whether it’s a white or black tie event, you can find an appropriate dress that shows you off in a non-showy way.

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When you go clubbing

Clubbing seems to give some women a green card for wearing stripper-appropriate attire to the club. But ladies, even the club requires some class.

Before you head out, check to see if the club has a dress code. If it does, try to respect it. Otherwise, follow these basics to look the part without letting all your bits out.

Wear dresses that fit you: Tight, bodycon dresses seem to have the perfect home in dark, throbbing clubs. But be sure that your dress fits you. Nothing is less flattering than a being able to see your bra and panty lines underneath your skin-tight number. And besides, you want to be able to move and dance and a constricting dress will only get in the way of your Beyonce-esque dance moves.

• Wear heels if you can walk in them: Sure, models make it look easy and effortless to pair your clubbing dress with sky-high stilettos. But only wear these potentially dangerous shoes if you can actually walk in them. Nothing looks sillier than a beautiful woman walking like a tyrannosaurus rex!

• Balance is key: If your dress exposes your entire back, it’s probably a good idea to keep your ladies tucked in. And if you’re showing off your legs, play it down on the upper half. It’s all about showing off your gorgeous body, but just not all at once!

Formal evening wear

With the holidays just around the corner, there will be plenty of parties, concerts and award ceremonies to attend. Some of them may include your boss and coworkers. But even if they don’t, be comfortable knowing that they will probably see you, whether in-person or via social media posts.

And even know these events are outside of the workplace, you don’t want to sully your reputation with the wrong night-out dress.

When in doubt, go for classy, timeless styles. But don’t fall into the trap that black is best. According to Carol Tuttle, creator of Dressing Your Truth, there’s only one type of woman who can get away with wearing black.

The rest of us? We can wear a wide variety of colors, hues, and shades, and these options can help you find the perfect night-out dress.

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How to transition from informal to formal wear

In an ideal world, we all have time to dash home an step into our formal attire for an evening out.

But alas, the modern woman doesn’t always have that kind of leisure time. If that’s the case, there are ways to transition from informal to formal wear. Here are just a few ideas:

• Wear a blazer or denim jacket: Pairing blazers over a bodycon dress can help to camouflage an otherwise night-out dress.

• Wear flats rather than heels: Heels give any outfit an instant boost of glam. If that’s too much for your day look, stash them in your bag and wear comfortable flats instead.

• Wear a shawl or scarf: Plunging necklines? Fancy trimming or beading? You can save that for your night out by wearing a blanket scarf or large shawl. The added bonus is that you’ll be cozy all day long.

• Hold off of accessories: Clutches, statement pieces, and even hair accessories can be too over-the-top for daytime outfits. But you can easily pack these in your handbag for later on.

The perfect night-out dress is something all women have to shop for and showcase throughout the year. With some savvy shopping skills and a little foresight, you can find and wear the perfect night-out dress for any occasion.

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