Stay Fit and Fabulous: Best Workouts for Autumn may earn commission when you buy something through the links or banners on this page.

If you’re committed to keeping your body strong and fit all year long, you might feel deterred once the cooler autumn temperatures roll around.

During the summer months, it’s so much easier to throw on some fitness gear and head outside for a run, bike ride or even a swim. But the fall is a wonderful time to practice your fitness routine, too. Here are the best workouts and exercise tips for your most fit body this autumn.

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Cool temps are in your favor

With the autumn comes cooler breezes and lower temperatures. And these are actually a great asset to your outdoor workout. That’s because even while you work up a good sweat, the cool temps make it easier for you to keep working hard.

There’s nothing worse than feeling oppressed by hot, sticky weather before you even start your burpees!

The fall gives you a beautiful backdrop for your morning run

During the summer, everything is consistently green. But once the trees start turning color, the parks become a glorious landscape of bursting colors.

It’s inspiring and motivating to run towards bright red trees and to kick through deep scarlet and orange leaves that cover the paths.

Dust off your bike and take it for a spin

Do you live along a river, lake or close to a bike-friendly park? The fall is the perfect time to bring out your inner cyclist. Biking is a great way to work your entire body, while still going easy on your joints.

You can explore your city or Mother Nature, and while you’re at it, you can even brainstorm that presentation you have next week.

Go hiking

During the heat of the summer, it’s not very appealing to go trekking through mountains and forests.

But once the fall arrives, you can walk to your heart’s content without the risk of overheating or dehydrating. It’s an excellent way to commune with nature, get some much-needed fresh air, burn calories (about 500 calories per hour!) and support your cardiovascular health, too.

Landscaping and yard work are a workout, too

You can invest in a leaf blower and clear away all of the fall foliage without exerting too much energy. But what fun is that? Why not try old-fashioned raking? Besides, if you don’t feel like dragging yourself to the gym, but still want some sort of workout, you can spend a Saturday morning raking leaves.

Like hiking, it’s a great workout for your heart health! What’s more, the scent of crisp leaves is something special and unique to this time of year. And when you’re all finished, enjoy a cup of warm apple cider.

Begin a yoga practice

Yoga is a restorative and strengthening activity which you can do any time of the year. But the fall is a wonderful time to invest in your yoga practice. If the weather permits, you can try yoga outside, and really ground yourself amidst nature, all while gaining in strength and flexibility, and lowering stress and anxiety, too.

If you don’t have an optimal place to practice yoga outside, you can just as easily roll out your mat in the comfort of your home and follow yoga teachers online, such as Yoga with Adriene or Kathryn Budig. Otherwise, you’re sure to find a welcoming yoga studio nearby – it’s a practice that continues to grow nationwide.

U-Pick apple opportunities

With the fall, comes a yummy and abundant harvest. Depending on where you live and the local produce, you may be able to go to orchards and farms and pick your own produce.

You can start by checking this directory to find a u-pick farm in your region.


If you want to strengthen your core and get a full-body experience while working out, look no further than Pilates. And since it’s something you can do outdoors or indoors alike, you can develop a consistent routine that can carry you through the cooler months.

Casey Ho, the founder of the wildly successful YouTube channel, Blogilates, has tons of fun, inspiring and kick-butt workouts that you can do in your apartment without disturbing your neighbors.

Tips for fall exercise and staying fit

Every season offers its own fitness challenges. To make sure you stay strong and maintain a healthy body throughout the fall, be sure to follow these tips:

  1. Drink lots of water

When the weather’s cooler, we don’t usually feel as thirsty, but we still need to drink lots of water. So, be sure to keep up with your water intake, especially if you’re keeping up with a consistent fitness routine.

  1. Avoid carbohydrate-heavy comfort foods

It’s only natural for our bodies to crave comforting, fatty foods this time of year. We learned that from our early ancestors. They needed a little extra weight in order to protect themselves and survive during the cold, especially if there was a food shortage.

But we all have cozy clothes and heated homes, so it’s no longer necessary to load up on mac-and-cheese dinners every night.

If comfort is what you’re craving, enjoy the seasonal produce and stay healthy with recipes like this Baked and Stuffed Acorn Squash. Or, you could try a little more variety with this colorful meal made up of Roasted Fall Vegetables along with a side of wild rice or quinoa.

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  1. Indulge, but just not every day

With autumn comes pumpkin-flavored everything. You can choose loaves, cupcakes, muffins, cakes, lattes, cookies, candies, and even coffee. There are so many delicious treats that showcase fall, and they’re yours to enjoy.

But just pace yourself so you don’t overdo it. Let these items be a treat, instead of your daily fare.

  1. Be careful during short days

During the fall, the days grow shorter. If you’re used to going for an early morning or late night run, just be sure to wear reflective gear so that you’re visible to traffic. If necessary, take preventative measures to keep yourself safe in the dark.

As you can see, autumn is an ideal time to work out and to even start a new practice. What’s your favorite way to stay fit during the fall?

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