Unemployed? Here’s What to Do if You Suddenly Lose Your Job

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Failure, disappointment, panic, worry, and fear. These are all common emotions you can feel when you lose your job. It’s scary, isn’t it? Where will the next paycheck come from? Who’s going to hire me? The list of anxious questions goes on and on.

So, if you find yourself in this position and aren’t quite sure how to proceed, try not to stress out. You can optimize this time and make the most of it. Here’s how.

  1. Don’t Define Yourself by Your Job

In our society, it’s very common for people to confuse their personal worth with the value of their productivity – their paycheck. What does that mean? It means that people think that if they’re busy and productive, then they’re worth something.

But that’s not the case. You are not your productivity or your output. In fact, who you are is separate and distinct from your work.

That’s why losing your job can be so devastating – because you think you are your job. But you’re not. You are so much more than a job title or a job description.

  1. Don’t Rush into Your Next Job

In a panic, you might apply to lots of jobs just so that you’re not unemployed for long. This can make you settle for less, or tie yourself down to a job that isn’t the right fit for you.

Of course, you want to look for your next job, but try not to feel desperate and as though there aren’t options. There are!

  1. Your New Job is to Find a Job

You can look at this time in one of two ways. You can think you’re unemployed. Or you can see that you have a new job. What’s your new work? Now, your job is to get a job and that can be your daily focus.

  1. Create a New Routine

When you no longer have an office to go to, it’s easy to fall into a rut. Whatever it takes, keep taking care of yourself during this tough transition. What does this mean? This means taking time to groom yourself every day.

It means doing your hair and dressing up, even if you don’t have colleagues and clients to interact with. Your new routine can include getting up at a reasonable hour, as well as structured and limited social media and television time.

  1. Get Out of the House or Apartment

Most positions require that you apply online. But take it one step further. Instead of uploading your cover letter and curriculum vitae, and then hoping for the best, print up your documents and personally deliver them to your dream jobs.

You’ll have to hustle and sell yourself a little bit. But it can be a strong statement that impresses potential employers. If you want people to hire you, be attractive, marketable and presentable.

  1. Don’t Feel Sorry for Yourself

It’s easy to feel sorry for yourself when you lose your job. Maybe it wasn’t fair. Maybe the company had cuts to make and it had to be you. It can be a big blow to your pride.

But try not to stay in this negative mindset for too long. That’s because if you continue to feel sorry for yourself, it will hold you back from reaching for bigger and better things. What happened, happened. Now, it’s time for you to make something else happen!

  1. Positive Affirmations and Scripts

The economy might not be great, and your field might not be growing. If that’s the case, it’s easy to feel hopeless about finding your next job. So, why not change that limiting belief? Why not believe that there are many opportunities to choose from? Why not believe that money is abundant and you can attract it into your life?

This script from energy healer, Carol Tuttle, helps you reprogram your thoughts surrounding money, abundance, and happiness. You can also retrain your mind by repeating positive affirmations to build confidence and excitement.

  1. Exercise

It can be depressing, stressful, anxious and worrisome when you don’t have a job. And these psychological upsets can affect your motivation to exercise. So, whatever you do, push through and exercise. The American Psychological Association encourages exercise as a way to improve mood, reduce stress and increasing feel-good hormones like serotonin. What’s more, exercising can help you brainstorm and build plans.

And since you don’t have a job right now, you might have more time to reach that fitness goal you’ve wanted to reach for so long. Now’s the time to go for it and feel great.

  1. Attend Meet-Ups

Find networking opportunities, conferences, and workshops nearby. These can be beneficial for so many reasons. First of all, it gets you out of your apartment. Secondly, it helps you meet people in your career. Finally, it can be informative and edifying and give you a competitive edge in your industry.

  1. Create an Online Profile and Business Cards

Now’s the perfect time to give your LinkedIn account a facelift. You can also create an attractive landing page where you list your skills, with a clear call-to-action so that people can contact you and even hire you.

You can also list your skills, titles, and credentials on business cards and hand them out at networking events. What’s more, if you always keep them with you, you can hand them out when you’re out and about. You never know who you’re going to meet.

  1. Get Help with Employment Agency

Finding new work can be overwhelming, but don’t worry about doing it all on your own. Contact an employment agency that can help to promote you and your skills.

Most services will require a small percentage of your future earnings, but this is usually only for the first six to 12 months. In the end, it’s a small price to pay for a steady, reliable income.

  1. Educate Yourself

Now that you have time to yourself, use it wisely. Read books that will make you more competitive and knowledgeable in your field. Watch YouTube videos and documentaries that inspire you to reach for the stars and build yourself up.

Losing your job can be devastating, but it can also be a wonderful opportunity to dream big. Use these 12 tips to improve your life as well as your next career.

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