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Some jobs are more dangerous or stressful than others. If your job puts your physical or mental health at risk, it is vital to learn good coping strategies.

Some people underestimate the impact of a work-related injury or illness on their health, finances, and career. Unfortunately, statistics show that the number of dangerous incidents in work environments across all industries is staggering.

Both women and men often choose to hold onto a high-risk job because they love it or it pays well. If you’re in this situation, here is how to cope with the challenges associated with your career path.

Learn all about your risks

The best way to protect yourself against various issues that may result from your work is to learn about the risks you’re facing daily. Numerous studies have revealed connections between each line of work and various health conditions, illnesses, and injuries.

For example, veterinarians are more likely to suffer from depression and experience suicidal ideation than the average American adult. Yet, we never think about being a veterinarian as dangerous.

Look at the risks of your profession and job position. What are the common dangers that police officers or pilots face on the job? What are the most common security guard injuries? What risks would a female truck driver or police officer face? What about nurses?

Unfortunately, women face higher risks in certain professions than their male counterparts. However, studies show that women are more risk-averse than men, which means that they are more likely to know how to de-escalate a dangerous situation.

As a general rule, the more informed you are about the risks you’re facing, the easier it is to keep your guard up.

Ask for help in key situations

Another essential way to cope with the challenges of a potentially dangerous job is to learn to ask for help in tricky situations. Knowing when to ask for help is challenging because it requires excellent risk management skills.

In demanding, fast-paced industries, employees may be afraid to ask for help because they don’t want to appear unfit for their job. This is especially relevant when it comes to women working in male-dominated industries.

However, asking for help is not a weakness; it is a great way to mitigate the risk of accidents and ensure you and your colleagues stay safe.

Know your rights

Whether you work in construction, law enforcement, or an office, your safety is under the protection of labor laws.

Even if your job inherently poses higher risks than other jobs, it doesn’t mean that these risks cannot be eliminated or reduced. Safety policies and guidelines are very strict and intricate in fields considered more dangerous than the norm.

An excellent way to feel safer on the job is to know your rights. When can you say “no” to a task? What safety precautions should your employer take? Does your employer provide good insurance? Leaving these details to chance is dangerous in itself. The law is your side, from OSHA to workers’ compensation.

Many high-risk jobs are indispensable in society. They can also be rewarding and lucrative, especially if you love to stay active and get a dose of adrenaline now and then. No matter what professional path you choose, prioritize your safety, health, and well-being. Don’t take more risks than necessary.

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