6 Things You Should Consider to Make Your Home More Accessible

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Are you looking to make your home more accessible and accommodating? Whether you’re increasing accessibility for yourself, a family member, or other guests who may have impairments, certain changes can make it easier for everyone to get around in comfort.

When considering modifications, think about factors such as design specs, existing structures within the house, and cost efficiency. Here we take a look at 6 key things you should consider when making your home more accessible.

Take a look at your budget first

Before jumping into any big purchases or lifestyle changes, it's important to take a look at your budget first. That often means doing some research on what you're spending, where you can reduce costs, and how much you can afford to splurge on things that are important to you. It may also mean understanding what kind of income you have coming in versus outgoings.

The team behind stiltzlifts.co.za/how-much-do-home-lifts-cost-the-residential-elevator-price-guide/ say it’s particularly important to be aware of the cost of any accessible features you might consider adding, such as a home lift or stairlift. This will help you to determine whether these features are realistic for your budget and lifestyle.

Add ramps near doorways, hallways, and stairs to facilitate access 

Having access to a building and manoeuvring within it shouldn't be determined by physical ability. That's why we’re advocating for all business owners to ensure their buildings are inclusive and accessible by installing ramps near doorways, hallways, and stairs.

These ramps don't just make buildings more inclusive, they also demonstrate empathy for disabled people and prioritize user experience. 

Properly installed ramps near doorways, hallways, and stairs will provide disabled persons the freedom to explore any space or facility with ease. Creating a space accessible to everyone is important, so let's work together to bridge the access gap between buildings that creates an uneven playing field in everyday life.

Increase the available lighting around your home 

Improving the lighting in your home is an easy and thoughtful way to make life a bit easier for anyone with limited vision. Increasing the brightness of lamps, adding more light fixtures in strategic places, and placing lamps on either side of the room can all make a big difference when it comes to improving visibility. Not to mention, better lighting can also help reduce trips and falls from poor visibility. 

Whether you're helping someone you care about or looking to create a safer living environment for yourself, increasing available lighting around your home is a simple solution that everyone can benefit from.

Install grab bars in bathrooms and other high-traffic areas 

When it comes to safety and convenience, home is where the heart is. We should all be mindful of creating an environment in our homes where we can feel comfortable and secure, and that includes taking necessary steps such as installing grab bars in high-traffic areas like bathrooms or rooms with lots of foot traffic. Grab bars provide stability, which can help reduce falls. 

Installing them when you renovate or remodel and making sure they are appropriate for all ages, genders, and physical abilities are vital factors to consider if you want your home to be safe and accessible for everyone.

Furthermore, modern designs can add a decorative touch to these areas while also providing much-needed assistance when entering or exiting the bathroom with ease.

Optimize furniture layout to reduce the risk of tripping or falling 

When it comes to creating a safe space in your home, optimizing the furniture layout is key. From strategically placing lamps and controlling cords to raising power outlets and rearranging living areas, there are many precautions you can take to minimize the risk of stumbling or tripping over obstacles.

Taking a few minutes out of your day to assess furniture placements can make a big difference when it comes to boosting safety in your environment. Be sure to double-check areas like doorways and hallways that may be particularly prone to tripping hazards — they’re often the places where an extra glance of caution can go a long way.

Upgrade flooring materials to ensure a safe, slip-resistant surface

Upgrading flooring materials is one of the best investments you can make to ensure a safe, slip-resistant surface. Hardwood floors provide a classic elegance that will stand the test of time, while tile offers durability that doesn't require excessive maintenance.

Luxury vinyl tiles can also be an excellent option, especially if you have young children – it appears almost indistinguishable from real wood or tile but provides more cushion and warmth underfoot.

Regardless of which material your choose, make sure it's been treated for wet areas and has a textured surface designed to reduce slippage. It may cost a bit more initially, but in the long run, you know your safety will be taken care of when updating any type of flooring material.

Overall, making your home more accessible doesn’t have to be expensive or daunting. While your budget is important and must be taken into consideration, there are a few other key areas of the house you can focus on that don’t carry a large price tag – lighting improvements, mobility assistance design choices, flooring upgrades and modifications to furniture layout are some of the most significant.

It’s also essential to remember that accessibility features will benefit not just those with physical limitations but everyone living in the household, creating a safer and more comfortable environment for all. Taking the time to review your home’s current setup can go a long way toward identifying potential pitfalls that could threaten someone’s safety. An investment today can bring peace of mind tomorrow!

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