Reasons Why You Need to Get a Water Purifier ASAP may earn commission when you buy something through the links or banners on this page.

Everybody knows how important it is to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water. And many Americans do just that.

But did you know that drinking unfiltered water from your tap can actually be poisonous?

That might be hard to believe since water is meant to be the first and best form of hydration. But if you’re not using a water purifier, all that water can do you more harm than good.

Let’s look at some of the most common toxins infiltrating your water and body.


You probably think that fluoride is a natural thing to have in the water. After all, most dental products contain fluoride to help prevent tooth decay. And public authorities add it to your water supply for this same reason: to promote dental health.

However, the fluoride that gets added to water isn’t the same type of fluoride that naturally occurs in some water sources.

In fact, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) says “this captured fluoride acid is the most contaminated chemical added to public water supplies.”

And Western Europeans know this. In fact, almost all of Western Europe drinks water free of added fluoride. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case in the United States, and many Americans drink a dangerous substance with every glass of tap water.

Scientific studies show that fluoridation doesn’t help prevent tooth decay. And instead of being beneficial for your dental health, fluoride is actually a neurotoxin, an endocrine disruptor and can damage your thyroid and pineal gland.

If your baby or toddler consumes too much fluoridated water, it can lead to lower IQ scores in the future.

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The presence of fluoride alone might be enough reason for you to get a water purifier. But unfortunately, the dangers of unfiltered water doesn’t stop there.

Asbestos can make its way into your water since it was once used in pipes throughout the United States. Consuming asbestos in this way can lead to cancers, such as colon cancer or mesothelioma.


We’re all familiar with chlorine. You probably use it as a cleaning agent in your household, workplace and swimming pool. It’s used to kill off harmful bacteria and germs. And it does a good job doing this. So, it might seem sensible to use it in water to protect you from water-born bacteria.

But instead of protecting you, this chemical – like fluoride – does more harm than good.

In fact, chlorine comes with a long list of negative effects. It can harm your cells, memory, respiratory system and create hydrochloric acid within your digestive system.

Dr. Mercola sites chlorine as a culprit in a variety of problems, such as increased lead absorption, disrupts synthesis of collagen, hyperactivity and/or lethargy, muscle disorders, thyroid disease, arthritis, dementia, bone fractures, lowered thyroid function, genetic damage and cell death, increased tumor and cancer rate, disrupted immune system, damaged sperm and increased infertility.

It’s important to protect yourself from unclean water, and a water purifier can do just that, without causing any of the numerous problems caused by chlorine.


Even after water has been treated and cleaned with chlorine, certain parasites can still find their way into the water, and they can cause digestive problems. Cryptosporidium and Giardia intestinalis are the most common parasites in unfiltered water, according to the CDC.


Public authorities don’t actually add lead to your water sources. But lead leaks into the water through the corrosion of plumbing systems. In short, the materials used in pipes, fittings, and fixtures can slowly break down over time. And this is how lead ends up in your drinking water.

According to the EPA, at least 20 percent of our lead exposure comes from drinking tap water.

Lead poisoning can wreak havoc on the entire body. Some problems include developmental delays, neurological changes, behavioral problems, gastrointestinal issues and pain within the joints and abdomen.

Little children are especially susceptible to the devastating effects of lead, so it’s important to have a water purifier to provide clean and safe water for them.


Mercury is a naturally occurring substance, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe. And usually, the mercury within your tap water isn’t natural. It’s the result of fossil fuel being burned, makes its way into the environment during industrial, manufacturing and mining work. It’s also produced when waste material is burned up.

Some of the more serious problems caused by mercury are brain, nerve and kidney damage. Therefore, it’s connected to cognitive issues, memory problems, and a decline in motor skills.

It doesn’t seem possible that our water can be so dangerous, but these substances exist in your water and have many harmful consequences to your health.


Arsenic is still used in many industrial processes, like smelting, mining, and coal-burning plants, as well as in some agricultural pesticides and fertilizers. If industries aren’t careful about disposing arsenic properly and safely, it settles into the ground. Then, it makes its way into the groundwater, which is the same water that’s used for your household.

If you’re exposed to this substance for a long time, it can lead to several forms of cancer, such as kidney, lungs, bladder, and skin.

Can A Water Purifier Really Clean Your Water?

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The answer is yes!

But each filter may target specific substances over others. For example, certain filters work to remove fluoride, while carbon-based filters are better at eliminating lead. Filters with activated carbon are successful in removing arsenic, mercury, and other toxic heavy metals.

The best thing to do before buying your own water purifier is to contact your local water authority and ask what substances and chemicals may be present in your water supply. This information should be available and public. It will give you a better idea of the toxins in your water.

And once you know what the main toxins are, you can find the appropriate water purifier to remove them.

Water should be safe, nourishing and healthy. If the water coming into your house is full of toxins, consider a good water purifier to enjoy a healthier lifestyle with clean and safe water.

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