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Your mind is limber and free, ready to take on any challenge with tenacity and vibrancy. But your body….well, that’s a different story. It’s so frustrating when the abilities of your body and mind are not in balance, and it can easily cause you to doubt and despair.

This could be a battle you’ve just begun or something you’ve been sparring with off and on for several years, but either way, if you’re in need of a boost, we’re here to do just that with these life tips on getting your body back into the swing of things.

Be Honest with Yourself

Alright, let’s get real just for a minute. You want to make a change, but you may still be hiding from a few pieces of the truth about your physical condition. Before you can move forward, it’s important that you bring those out into the light–not for anyone else’s benefit, but for your own.

This isn’t a time to put yourself down and pass judgments; in fact, it’s the complete opposite! Now is the time to recognize that the state of your body doesn’t define who you are as a person.

So, to make the changes you are hoping for, you’ll need to practice accepting yourself. Even better, recognize your capabilities and how they are your tools to adjust what’s going on in your life.

Enlist Someone You Trust

If you’ve made it through that first step, congratulations! It’s the hardest one to start, but it’s the strong foundation that will help you through the rest. But if you make that determination and keep it to yourself, it’ll be mighty easy to forget it and pretend it never happened.

So find someone to be your confidant throughout the process. They may do the program you’ve selected alongside you, or they may be there to offer you support and encouragement. Whichever you end up with, make sure you have someone you trust to see you both killing it and struggling.

Balance Mind, Body, and Belly

Your challenge may seem strictly applicable to your physical abilities, but even the smallest changes will have an effect on the other parts of your being, so yes: whatever fitness or flexibility you’re practising, complement it with foods that will give you the proper energy and nutrition. Remember that what trends say will work probably won’t match your body’s needs exactly.

With that physically energizing relationship of give and take, you also want to take care of your mental and spiritual well-being. There may be days that your physical routine will need to be modified because it’s your mind that’s struggling, and that’s okay.

Track Your Progress

You might not be the tracking type, but tracking your progress can provide you with useful insight into the patterns your body has created.

If nothing else, it can be a great source of reassurance on those hard days that yes, it’s not so fun right now, but you’ve been putting forth the effort and have seen your body adapting.

Consult Your Physician

Your physical health is extremely important, and if you’ve been experiencing consistent or acute problems, get your doctor in on the plan you have. He can provide all sorts of useful information about how best to fuel and care for your body.

If you’re at a point where some in-home care would be beneficial to your progress, provides an excellent breakdown of options which your doctor can go over with you.

Give Yourself Credit

When all else is said and done, don’t forget how amazing you are for not only wanting to make a change but attempting to make it happen!

Continue to be honest with yourself and accept where you are every step of the way. No matter how small the effort or the progress, that’s worth something, regardless of where and when you meet the goal you’ve set yourself.

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