4 Useful Tips for Good Oral Hygiene

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As we all know, keeping your teeth clean and healthy is highly important for children and adults alike. Good oral hygiene can not only save you money on bills for costly dental procedures but can also ensure that you keep your teeth as you grow older. And yet, problems with teeth and gums are rife in society, with 3.5 billion people estimated to suffer from gum disease.

Fortunately, all that is required to do so are a few simple habits. Here are 4 easy ways to maintain good oral hygiene.

An important part of any oral hygiene regimen is seeing your dentist regularly. To find a dentist you can trust, depending on your location, you can search something like “Dentist Kellyville”, to get an idea of the well-regarded practices in your area.

Regularly use mouthwash 

Mouthwashes are a great addition to an oral hygiene regimen. This is not only because they can whiten your teeth, but also because many types of mouthwash are designed to clean your gums, which can often be an overlooked part of oral health. However, you should be careful which mouthwash you choose.

Avoid products labelled as cosmetic mouthwashes, as these generally only whiten your teeth, without having any positive effects on your health.

Choose foods that benefit your teeth 

What you might not be aware of is that there are several foods that have a cleaning effect on your teeth. Adding these to your diet can thus be an easy method of improving your oral health.

Raw, crunchy fruits and vegetables, in particular, can help remove plaque from your teeth by rubbing against the surface of your teeth. Good choices are cucumbers, celery, and apples. Products high in calcium, such as yoghurts and cheeses, can also have a similarly positive effect on your teeth.

Brush wisely 

It goes without saying that brushing your teeth twice a day for around 2 minutes is probably the most important thing you can do to keep your mouth healthy.

However, making sure your brushing habits are optimized can also go a long way to improving your oral hygiene. For example, you should try to use a soft-bristled brush where possible, as this will put less pressure on your teeth and prevent you from inadvertently damaging them. Toothbrush bristles can also get worn down quickly, so you should try to replace them every 3-6 months.

Avoid substances that harm your teeth

One of the most crucial things you can do for your oral wellbeing is to reduce or avoid altogether substances that damage your teeth. Naturally, sugary foods and drinks are a major category to moderate your intake of, since they can stain your teeth and attract harmful bacteria that can cause common oral issues such as gingivitis and gum diseases.

Smoking is also imperative to avoid from a dental perspective, as it can cause your teeth to turn yellow. Additionally, smoking can reduce the efficacy of your body’s immune system, weakening its ability to heal from dental problems.

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