Should You Repair or Replace a Damaged Concrete? Here’s How to Decide may earn commission when you buy something through the links or banners on this page.

Nothing lasts forever, and that’s also the case with concrete. As time goes by, you may notice various holes, cracks, and many other signs of damage and aging to the concrete, patio, and path.

And that’s, unfortunately completely normal and natural. A variety of different elements can lead to this and that’s something that can negatively influence both the appearance and the performance of concrete.

That’s especially the case during colder weather. And then one question arises, whether you should completely replace it or repair it? If you’re not sure how to determine that, then maybe my facts below will help you out.

First things first

As stated above, there are various factors that can cause your concrete to deteriorate and look not so very appealing. The most common things you’ll notice are:

  • Blistering
  • Minor discoloration
  • Several tiny cracks

And then there are two things that must be taken into account, your budget and the location of the concrete surface. If you notice that any of these damages are not too serious, then you can simply repair it. On the other hand, if something like this truly gives you headaches and you cannot stand the sight of it, then maybe it would be best if you simply replaced it. That oftentimes isn't necessary, however, who am I to tell you what you should do, right?

Furthermore, if the issue is serious, or extremely noticeable, then I suggest contacting an expert who is going to check out its condition. He or she will determine whether it is worth replacing or repairing.

But where can you find an experienced professional? The truth is, there are a bunch of them that are honestly very good, and that’s especially the case with Brisbane, Australia. Therefore, if you live in this outstanding city, then it’s time to do your homework to locate someone who does concrete repairs in Brisbane to determine if your concrete must be repaired or replaced. Someone who is skilled will easily figure out whether your concrete driveway is safe to use.

How old is it?

One of the most important questions when it comes to this topic is precisely this one. Before you take any further steps, first try to remember how old is your concrete. Why does it matter? For example, if it’s older than twenty-five years, then it most likely isn’t worth repairing. In these instances, the best thing that you can do is to replace it.

Why is that? Well, that’s because that’s the average life expectancy of a concrete. Yes, you can try to repair it, particularly, if you need to tackle some minor repairs, however, keep in mind that replacing it will give you some relief in the long run.

More importantly, if your concrete driveway is way too old, and you want nothing more but to fix it, then you’ll be spending way much money on numerous repairs, instead of doing the inevitable and that is to simply replace it.

Sooner or later, something like this is going to be necessary due to old age. That’s why, if you ask me, you shouldn’t waste any dime on repairs (if it’s over 25) because replacement cannot be avoided in these types of situations. The same goes for basement floors and concrete garages.

Assess the damage properly

Just like with most things, before you make any decisions, it’s of huge importance to carefully assess the situation. The same rule applies to this one. As I’ve stated numerous times above, problems with concrete can be different. The gravity of it can be defined as more, or less serious. For example, if you notice that there are divots or cracks that are bigger than two inches, then I have to let you know that it’s time to replace it.

On the flip side, if you see something that can be defined as nothing but a minor imperfection that isn’t negatively affecting your concrete driveway, then resurfacing will most likely get the job done.

The most common problems that can strike concrete driveways

If you're not sure what to pay attention to, yet you are very concerned about your concrete, then below I will briefly discuss some of the most common issues that you should cast your eyes on, just to make things a bit clearer when it comes to this whole repair/replace situation.

  1. Uneven slab – This is something that occurs when the ground alters because of the soil contraction and expansion, or simply when the tree roots appear under it and interfere with it. If the unevenness isn’t too striking and is restricted to a single area, then repair is the best option. On the other hand, if the entire region is affected, or the unevenness is serious, then I think that it’s time to consider replacing it.
  2. Wear and tear – If your concrete is very old, then you’ll notice some signs of aging, such as chipping and cracks. Now, if the stab has been installed the right way and has maintained its quality (relatively), then in these instances as well, you can rely on a solid repair job that’s going to enhance the appearance of the surface.
  3. Broken features – Areas such as patios may involve concrete steps, and it happens quite frequently for edges to simply get chipped away or to even be broken. That’s normally caused by pressure, weather, and many other things. But don’t worry. This problem can easily be resolved by using a concrete patch.
  4. Potholes – A vast majority of concrete driveways suffer from them. Generally speaking, if you're having problems with smaller holes, then it's okay to opt for repair. On the other hand, if your holes are very big, plus you notice that there is more than just one, then patching simply isn't going to cut it and you'll be forced to replace it.

As you can see, there are a number of problems that can hit your concrete driveway. That’s why if you’re unsure what to do, first be sure to go through the facts I wrote and then decide what to do next.

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