How to Check If Your AC Unit Needs a Repair may earn commission when you buy something through the links or banners on this page.

The air conditioning unit is an integral part of any modern home. However, just like other components of your house, this machine can be damaged or have problems that need repair. It's important to be observant when it comes to your AC because if you wait for an issue to become too obvious, the problem might become more complicated than if you caught it at the beginning.

On that note, there are several ways to check if your AC unit needs a repair.

Check the filters

Starting off easy, checking filters is something you can do on your own. Simply open your AC's filter compartment and take a look. If the filters seem dirty and clogged, it's time to take them out and clean them.

As the AC experts from FilterBuy point out, filters are an incredibly important component of your AC, since they're what's keeping the air in your house dust and allergen-free. Cleaning them regularly, and even replacing them once the old ones have become a bit worn out can not only prolong the life of your unit, but it can also make the air you breathe better for your health.

Of course, if you notice any physical damage to your filters – like tears or rips – it's best to call the technician to see what's caused it since that isn't supposed to happen.

Energy bills

A broken thermostat switch, ductwork issues, as well as simply having an older AC model can all contribute to an unsuspected rise in your energy bill. If you've noticed that a larger chunk of your home budget is going towards paying the electricity bill, and you didn't change the way you use your AC, it's time to call a professional.

Whichever one of these reasons is the one that's creating the issue unless you're really handy with things like this, it's something that requires a bit of know-how to fix. While some ACs can last for well over 15 years, if yours is pushing into its second decade, it's more than likely that you need to get a new model.

The good news is that there’s plenty of energy-efficient, environmentally friendly ACs out there now that will not only keep your house cool, but they'll also help you save money in the long run.

Strange noises

Most AC units have a hum to them from the get-go. However, if you start hearing strange noises – squealing, grinding, scraping, or anything else that you didn't hear ever since you first got it, it probably means there's an issue.

This should apply to the way you use your AC in general, but you shouldn't leave the AC on if you're not at home, especially if it starts making noises. Most likely, it's something as simple as a belt moving out of its place and making contact with other parts of the AC.

While this isn't a serious problem, you should still contact a technician so that it doesn't cause further damage to the unit.

Apart from that, everyone will agree that constantly hearing scraping when you're just trying to relax and cool down isn't the most ideal situation to be in.

Check for leaks

Freon is what most AC units use to keep them cool. If your unit starts leaking freon, this isn't something you should try to diagnose on your own.

In fact, most states have restrictions when it comes to repairing or even recharging units that use freon due to environmental concerns, so be sure to contact a professional regardless of what you find under the hood.

The way to know if there's a leak is by checking for dry spots on the carpet or any other place where dampness, mildew, or discolouration has appeared.

Other than that, if you feel like your AC isn't working as efficiently as possible, and you've already checked the other things listed above, there's a chance that there's a leak somewhere.

Drainage system

Another thing you can do on your own is to check the drainage system of your AC unit. You won't need any tools for this task, but simply take a look at where the water pools in front of your house (if it does).

If you see a puddle that hasn't drained within a couple of days, there might be something wrong with the drainage system. Like everything else, this is a relatively simple problem to solve. All you need to do is take a look at the drain tube and see if there's something blocking it.

If that's not the case, you should check around your house to see if there's a place where water from your AC could be flooding because of heavy rainfall or anything else. If you can't see an external cause for the drainage issue, then it's time to call a technician.

Having an AC unit that works properly is essential if you want to enjoy the comfort it provides. By doing these simple things, you'll have peace of mind knowing that your AC is working in top condition, and if it's not, you can easily get it up to par.

Now, when summer rolls around you won't be sweating bullets when trying to keep your cool.

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