What Makes a Home “Luxurious”?

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A luxurious home conjures up images of Hollywood’s finest abodes: glamorous, opulent and sumptuous. And you might think the only way to have a luxurious home is to have lots of money. Or, to have flashy displays of wealth throughout your home.

But that’s not necessarily the case. Sure, you might not live in a fine estate, but your home still has the potential to be luxurious. Keep reading to find out why.

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What is a luxurious home?

According to Merriam Webster Online Dictionary, luxury has two definitions. First, luxury means “a condition of abundance or great ease and comfort.” The definition goes one step further saying that luxury is “something adding to pleasure or comfort but not absolutely necessary”.

So, a luxurious home can be a place where you have unnecessary things that add pleasure and comfort to your life.

Now, it goes without saying that we can fill our homes with lots of unnecessary items, which don’t provide comfort or pleasure. And you can buy many expensive items that don’t really enhance your home.

What’s the happy medium?

According to a real estate agent with Windermere’s Premier luxury marketing program, Stephanie Pfeffer Anton, there’s a cultural shift where luxurious homes are concerned. Instead of evoking glamor, luxury indicates what is “artisanal” and “educated.”

Luxury isn’t about big, flashy items. Instead luxury calls to mind “quality and integrity.”

Her colleague, Deirdre Doyle, agrees, saying luxury isn’t about big, flashy items. Instead luxury calls to mind “quality and integrity.”

So, for all intents and purposes, let’s say that a luxurious home is something that goes above and beyond what is necessary. But that doesn’t mean it’s showy, flashy or glamorous. Instead, a truly luxurious home is a place where intentional, curated and artisanal taste finds a home.

And instead of just looking expensive, a truly luxurious home has to have things of value.

All in all, a luxurious home is:

  • A comfortable and pleasurable place with artisanal and educated pieces, and
  • Has quality and integrity

Luxurious homes on the inside

So, enough of the theoretical stuff. Now, let’s get down to brass and tacks. What makes a home feel luxurious on the inside?

It would be easy to ramble off stereotypical luxury items like velvet cushions, faux fur throws, brass hardware, and herringbone parquet floors. But the truth is, every home is different because every homeowner and family is a little different.

And what spells luxury for you might not be so luxurious for someone else. However, there’s one way to make your home luxurious irrespective of your own unique sense of style.

What makes a home luxurious – no matter what the budget – is that every item has a purpose and that everything you put in your home is intentional. In short, a luxurious home is a mindful home.

So, whatever makes the cut to be inside the home has to be pretty darn special. Here are some items that can help to make the inside of your home luxurious.

Curate a gallery wall

Do you have a favorite artist? He or she could be someone you follow on Instagram. Or, perhaps it’s a world-famous artist you fell in love with at your last trip to the museum. Whatever your artistic leanings, see if you can begin to curate a gallery wall to showcase your love for art.

And to create an interesting and visually pleasing gallery, consider including a variety of work. A photo here, a sketch there. An original watercolor here, a high-quality print there.

The most important thing is that together, they create a cohesive set and represent you. One final tip for your gallery wall is to have a variety of frame sizes.

Antique treasure

Over the years, you may have visited antique shows or estate sales. And if you have a nice collection of antiques, these shouldn’t be cooped up in the attic or basement.

Instead, find a prominent place to show them off. They can add so much character to your home and add a truly luxurious feel.

Handmade pieces of furniture

Custom-made furniture is truly artisanal and special, and they can add a definite touch of luxury especially if they are for your living room, bedroom or other gathering areas. As Windermere’s real estate agent, Karl Lindor says, “Luxury is anything but ordinary.”

Beloved family heirlooms

Regardless of their monetary value, heirlooms have great value, memory, and significance.

And since they are usually one-of-a-kind pieces, that come with their own special story and history. In short, heirlooms are a wonderful way to create luxury in your home.

Cut the clutter

One of the keys to a luxurious home is to be able to display special, extraordinary pieces. But if your home is full of clutter, it’s easy for these pieces to get lost in the crowd. So, resist the temptation to fill your home with lots of stuff.

That might seem contradictory when it comes to luxury homes. After all, aren’t luxurious homes all about having added, unnecessary things to add pleasure and comfort?

Well, yes and no. While you do want your home to have special things, you don’t want them to drown in all the un-special things. Remember, less is more, and it’s always quality over quantity.

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Luxurious homes on the outside

We’ve spent a lot of time focusing on how to make homes feel luxurious on the inside. But what about the outside? What makes your home luxurious on the outside?

Home expert, Rick Franz says a luxury home is one that “stands out above rest…dazzling location, breathtaking views…”

Now, if you don’t live on a grand estate in England, there’s a good chance you don’t get to see sweeping views of the countryside, peppered with old castles. But are there ways you can clean up your landscaping to create a dazzling location anyway?

For example, can you install stone footpaths, or create your own rose trellises? What about planting ornamental trees to grace your property with beautiful blooms? You could even consider decorating your yard with tasteful bird baths, statues or other ornaments that are truly artisanal and special.

A luxurious home doesn’t have to be a millionaire’s mansion. Instead, a truly luxurious home can be your special place – a place that’s curated, intentional and artisanal.

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