Make the Right Choice: Here Are Top Tips on Selecting Makeup Colors may earn commission when you buy something through the links or banners on this page.

Makeup can do wonders, like mask some of your flaws and blemishes while also enhancing some of your more exotic features. When deciding which makeup you want to invest in, part of the process is to determine your skin tone, skin undertones, and overall complexion – each of which may require different shades, hues, and tones to bring out their natural radiance.

Unlike makeup, skin care products like Cosrx rely mostly on skin type (oily, dry, combination, etc) than skin undertones.

To select the right makeup colors, here are some tips and tricks to remember.

  1. Determine your skin tone

Your skin tone is the amount of melanin found on the outermost layer of the skin. Melanin is a compound produced by melanocytes which acts as a defense mechanism from the sun's ultraviolet rays. When it comes to determining skin type, one of the factors to consider is how much time you spend outdoors although the genetics from our ancestors also play a role.

Here are some commonly known skin tones:

  • Light – light or fair skin tones tend to be derived from people who frequently face snow or cloudy coverage which means they do not need as much melanin protection as other skin types. People with this skin tone also tend to burn much easier than others.
  • Medium – medium skin tones are often referred to as olive and offer a neutral, sometimes beige appearance. People with this skin tone generally find it easier to tan under the sun.
  • Dark – dark skin complexions are typically found in people who live in places that are constantly exposed to the sun's harmful UV rays. People with this skin type tend to be the most likely to suffer from hyperpigmentation.

Each category can be broken down into specific subtones that are influenced by the skin's undertones.

  1. Determine your skin undertones

Skin undertones refer to the colors that come from underneath the surface of the skin. They are not as obvious as skin tones although they do play an important role in affecting your skin's overall tone. For instance, if your skin tones change, your undertones will stay the same.

Here are the different types of undertones as well as tips on how to determine what your undertone may be:

  • Warm – warm undertones generally refer to skin with yellow, peachy, and golden muted colors.
  • Cool – refers to skin with pink, red, and bluish colors.
  • Neutral – refers to skin that contains both warm and cool undertones.

Here are a few tips to determine your undertones:

1. Look at your veins – to do this, check your wrist. If your veins have:

  • Blue or purple tones then you have cool undertones
  • Green tones then you have warm undertones.
  • A mix of both blue/purple or green then you have neutral undertones

2. Stay under the sun – stay for a certain period under the sun and see how your skin changes. If you:

  • Tan easily – you are warm-toned
  • Burn easily – you are cool-toned
  • Tan slightly but eventually burn out – you are neutral-toned.
  1. Invest in key makeup colors

After determining your skin tone, undertones, and complexion, it’s time to check out some makeup colors. Here are some of the best makeup colors according to skin tone:

  • Cool skin tones

Regardless of whether you have light or dark skin, look for colors with cool-hues like pink, reds, blues, greens, and grays. For blush, opt for bluish-pink that will leave you looking flushed and gorgeous. Cherry reds and fuchsia pink lipstick also work the best for you. Don't be afraid to experiment in pastel and bright colors since your skin can certainly rock them well!

  • Warm skin tones

For warm skin tones, look for colors in orange, orange-reds, peachy pinks, brown, bronze, and gold. For blush opt for peach or orange so your skin looks sun-kissed. For lipsticks, go for orange-reds to compliment your warm undertones. Brown neutrals and metallic bronzes are also great to use since they bring out your golden undertones.

  • Neutral skin tones

The luckiest skin type of the bunch, people with this skin tone can rock any shade of color without a problem! The only tip you need to remember is to find what you think feels good on you. Don't be afraid to experiment but also don't feel pressured to go for the latest trends if you prefer to stick to the classics.

Understanding which tones works best with your skin can help you shop for makeup easily. With these factors to consider, it’s safe to say that the right makeup tone and palettes will help bring out your natural features almost instantly while making sure your flaws are kept hidden and underplayed.

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