7 Hairstyling Tips and Tricks Every Woman Should Know

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Ever had a bad hair day? You know the kind, when you get up in the morning and your hair looks great, then by noon it's dishevelled and limp. What happened? It turns out that there are some things we do to our locks every day without even realizing it that can make them look their worst.

Read on for top hairstyling tips and tricks every woman should know so you'll never have a bad hair day again.

Get a pair of good scissors

Depending on how you style your hair, it can become damaged quickly (read more how to repair damaged hair). If you use curling irons or even just a blow dryer every day, that heat manifests itself in split ends and breakage. If you can't make it to the salon, invest in a good pair of scissors to trim your hair at home.

There are great scissors on this link, learn about the brands and pick. Just be careful not to cut too much off – you don't want uneven layers or a choppy bob. 

One way to keep your locks healthy is to get them trimmed regularly by a professional hairstylist who knows what they're doing. Not only will this help keep your hair looking good, but it will also promote healthy growth.

Brush your hair before bed 

One of the worst things you can do to your hair is to go to bed with it wet. Not only will your hair be a tangled mess in the morning, but you're more likely to develop fungus and dandruff if you don't brush it before bed.

Instead, try brushing it out thoroughly before hitting the hay. This will help keep you from breaking out in the morning and will ensure that you don't look like a wild woman when you wake up.

Steam it before styling 

Rather than blow-drying your hair right away, try steaming it with a handheld steamer first. Once your hair is damp, not wet, then you can use your dryer on it.

This will help your hair retain its natural oils and moisture, which will help keep it looking healthy and shiny. Plus, it's a lot less damaging to your locks than using a blow dryer on high heat.

Use a hair mask 

A good way to give your locks some extra volume is to use a hair mask once or twice a week. You can buy one at any beauty supply store, or you can make one at home using ingredients from your kitchen – just look up recipes online to get started.

This will help strengthen your hair and get rid of split ends. It's especially helpful for anyone who uses a blow dryer often, curling iron regularly, or straightening their hair.

Get yourself a good cosmetic bag 

A great way to up your style game and make sure that you're always prepared with the right hair styling tools is to get yourself a good cosmetic bag.

This way, you can always keep your hairbrush, scissors, hair ties, and other essentials with you when you need them. There are plenty of great cosmetic bags out there in all different shapes and sizes, so find one that suits your needs and personality.

Wash your hair at night 

We've all been told to wash our hair every day. But there's a right and wrong way to do it. It turns out that washing your hair at night, right before you go to bed, is easier than washing it in the morning because there's less oil and dirt in your locks.

This could promote healthy growth, as well as help keep your hair from looking greasy. So if you can, try to wash your hair in the morning instead of at night and see if that makes a difference in the health and appearance of your locks.

Harsh shampoo can strip away your hair's natural oils, leaving it feeling brittle and lifeless. If used too often, this can even cause scalp psoriasis. Try using a gentler shampoo that doesn't contain harsh chemicals, or try shampooing less often to avoid over-drying your scalp and hair.

Use dry shampoo to refresh greasy roots between washes  

If you have greasy roots and don't have time to wash your hair, try using some dry shampoo instead. This will help absorb the oils in your hair and refresh it so it doesn't look greasy. Just be careful not to use too much, or your hair will start to look white and powdery.

In the article above, we've provided you with some helpful tips and tricks to keep in mind when washing your hair. You must use a gentle shampoo if possible or wash it less often – this will help maintain your locks' natural oils and moisture levels.

You should also brush out your hair before bed so it doesn't get tangled during the night. And lastly, try using dry shampoo on greasy roots between washes for an easy fix.

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