Ectomorph, Mesomorph or Endomorph – What Is Your Body Type? may earn commission when you buy something through the links or banners on this page.

Forget about pears and apples – there's a more accurate way to figure out what is your body type. And even more importantly, this body type theory makes it times and times easier for you to find the perfect workout and diet plan which can actually help you lose weight.

This theory is more than well-known within the fitness-circle and often, even professional athletes and personal trainers base their whole workout plan on this theory.

According to the theory which gained more popularity already in the 1940s categorizes bodies into 3 groups: ectomorph, endomorph, and mesomorph.

Almost everyone can categorize their body into one of these groups and find the perfect workout and nutrition plan according to that.

1. Ectomorph body type (a.k.a the “thin” type)

Ectomorph body type

A typical ectomorph:

  • tall and lean with thin long limbs
  • “hardgainer” – won't gain much weight, no matter how much they eat. This also means they find it hard to build muscle
  • fast metabolism
  • fragile
  • narrow shoulders
  • flat chest

Ectomorphs are described as “fragile and delicate” people who have very small joints and muscles. Ectomorphs tend to struggle with muscle gain, so while training, the main focus should be on strength training that uses several muscle groups at once opposed to using just one specific muscle group.

Ectomorphs shouldn't focus on cardio much since they have issues storing fat as it is. Strength training is the key here!

What to eat as an ectomorph?

Ectomorphs are the ones many of us envy: they can eat virtually anything without gaining weight.

Of course, even ectomorphs need to keep an eye on their diet since empty calories are no good for any body types. As the ectomorph body is a bit more friendly towards carbs, you can indulge more on carbs but opt for complex carbs like brown rice which helps to keep you fuller for longer.

2. Mesomorph body type (a.k.a the “muscular” type)

Mesomorph body type

A typical mesomorph:

  • very well-defined muscles, greater muscle mass, typically hourglass-shaped
  • athletic
  • great posture
  • gains muscle very easily
  • “middle” body type between ectomorph and endomorph, gains fat more easily as well

Mesomorphs are often regarded as the “perfect” ones because of their nicely defined muscles and easy muscle gain. For that reason, mesomorphs don't have to struggle much with their workout either – they can use moderate weights and balance their workout with cardio, so they wouldn't have to worry about fat gain.

What to eat as a mesomorph?

As a medium body type, mesomorphs should have a well-balanced diet plan which includes protein, fat and complex carbs, all in a moderate amount.

Since muscle gain comes easily for mesomorphs, it's not essential to add protein supplements to your diet. By keeping the diet healthily balanced, everything should be perfectly fine.

3. Endomorph body type (a.k.a the “curvy” type)

Endomorph body type

A typical endomorph:

  • round, wide and soft body
  • weight loss is often very difficult
  • easy to gain muscle but fat tends to “camp” at the abdominal area (body tends to store both muscle and fat)
  • slow metabolism
  • stronger than other body types but hard to stay lean

The third body type – endomorph – tends to struggle with weight since endomorph's body loves to store fat. For this reason, it's essential for endomorphs to focus on intense cardio by doing interval training (like HIIT). This way they can lose the annoying fat and boost their metabolism which tends to be slower.

What to eat as an endomorph?

Endomorphs are in the toughest position since their body tends to hold on tightly from everything they eat. Their diet plan needs to be more strict, especially when it comes to the carbs department.

However, as a general rule: if you avoid simple carbs and opt for a protein-rich diet with complex carbs, you can easily hit your weight loss and training goals.

Nothing is black and white: you are probably a combination of these 3 body types

Most people can easily place themselves somewhere within those 3 body type frames. Some people are naturally curvier, some people are naturally tall and lean.

However, despite our genetic makeup, nothing is black and white. In fact, most people aren't “clean” versions of those body types, instead, their bodies can be defined as combinations of the main body types.

As described in Coach, “We all have some aspects of endomorphy, mesomorphy, and ectomorphy.

To figure out the exact mix, a method called the Heath-Carter method is used. This approach gives a score for each body type on a scale of one to seven and the result will determine whether you're more of an endomorph, mesomorph or ectomorph and what is the exact balance between the body types.

For example, if you're more of a pear shape, that might indicate your upper body is more ectomorphic and your lower body is tilted towards endomorphic body type.

Your body type is not an excuse nor an obstacle

After figuring out your body type, you might be wondering: “Ugh, well, I'm an endomorph so there's no chance for me to lose weight and I'll just stop working out…”

However, you shouldn't treat your body type as an excuse to stop reaching your training goals or as an impossible obstacle. Instead, appreciate your body type for what it is and learn to live with it by tweaking your diet plan and workout accordingly.

If you're an endomorph, you're probably naturally curvier which makes you especially attractive. If you're an ectomorph, you rarely need to worry about your diet. If you're a mesomorph, you're the happy “medium” that has all the benefits. And if you're a combination of some specific types, you get to enjoy even greater perks according to your build.

Each body type has something great about it – something that makes it loveable and attractive. The key to reaching your goals is to understand your body, not to force wrong training plans on it. A healthy balanced diet is a key component for every body type. Remember that everyone has a chance to achieve their dream body, no matter the genetic makeup. Appreciate your body and enjoy the perks you're born with!

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