Wearing High Heels in Winter: Are They More Reasonable Flats?

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Winter can be a hard season to deal with. There’s colder weather, lots of snow (depending on where you live) and shorter, darker days. Perhaps the most challenging thing for your inner fashionista is having to part with your favorite stilettos and trade them in for less glamorous flats.

But the question is, do you have to leave your high heels in the closet until spring arrives? Probably not, but we’ll let you decide.

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Your Feet Will Be Cold

It’s a fact of life: wearing high heels instead of cozy fleece-lined boots will leave you with cold feet. Some stilettos are notorious for pinching your toes, and if you usually have cold fingers and toes, high heels won’t help keep your circulation flowing.

You can try to offset your inevitably cold feet by wearing thick tights and only wearing high heels for short distances outside.

Avoid Slipping by Scuffing Up Your Soles

It’s easy to slip even during the dry, warm seasons, so you can imagine how risky it is to wear high heels in snowy, icy and wet conditions.

A good way to prevent unglamorous falls and potential injuries is to scuff up the bottoms of your shoes. This will give them more traction and leave less opportunity to slip and fall.

Choose Shorter, Thicker Heels and Rounder Toes

Wearing high heels gives you instant sex appeal, and can really rev up your inner girl boss, no matter what day of the week it is. Monday in the office? Friday night out? Either way, sleek, slim stilettos make you look fabulous.

And who wants to give that up just because there’s snow and sleet everywhere? But you don’t have to forego heels altogether. As long as you compromise a little bit, you can still look sexy throughout the winter months.

Just opt for shorter, thicker heels that offer more stability and surface area for your feet. Having a wider toe can also make trekking through the elements a bit easier.

Save Your Heels for Indoors

You can wear heels all winter long, and one easy way to avoid seasonal injuries is to wear your boots during your commute. Then, after you arrive at your location, trade in your boots for something a little classier.

Large tote bags, like this Saint Laurent Black Leather Tote Bag, from Yves Saint Laurent, can be the perfect bag to sneak your high heels in and out of the office or the special events you attend.

Purchase High Heels with Rubber Soles

As we mentioned before, you can scuff up the sole of your high heel for added traction and slip-resistance.

But you can also invest in a pair of stilettos that come ready with a rubber sole. This helps your feet to brave the slick pavement.

Wear Strappy Heels

In addition to wearing shorter, thicker, rubber-sole stilettos, look for pairs that keep your foot snug and secure with straps and buckles. You don’t want to lose your shoe or your balance!

Wear Leather Heels, Not Synthetic Ones

You might think the synthetic materials, such as polyurethane and faux leather are smarter choices for a winter heel, but the truth is that leather allows your foot to breathe, which can help them stay warm longer.

As long as you take care of your leather heels by regularly cleaning them, you can prevent water and cold damage.

Wear Heeled Boots

When it comes to heels and boots, it’s not an all or nothing situation. You can have both and keep your feet warm and extra stylish.

This pair from ECCO, their Sculptured 75 ankle boots, looks great and fits if you prefer an ankle length boot. Or, you can also try Viva Womens sassy elegant block heels which offer a wide heel but hug your feet without the over-the-knee look.

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Why You Should Skip the Heels this Winter

Podiatrist, Dr. Emily Splichal, is adamantly opposed to women wearing high heels in the winter. “When you’re in heels,” she explains, “there’s a shift in your sense of gravity. Your balance is already off, so if there’s ice or snow, you could slip and really hurt yourself.”

If you’re also unsure about wearing your fancy heels out and about, but don’t want to sacrifice style and your fashion six sense, here are some ways to look darling if you leave your heels at home.

Flats for Your Winter Look Book

Flats might seem like a silly alternative to heels. Sure, they’re not as uncomfortable and dangerous, but most of them leave your foot completely exposed to winter’s cold and wet conditions.

Here are some flat tips to keep in mind when you’re in the market for winter shoes:

  1. Straps

Straps keep your foot safe and secure, making it easier to navigate puddles, snow mounds, and ice.

  1. Loafers

There are so many fashionable loafers available, and they look excellent with pantsuits, dresses and pencil skirts alike. If you’re looking to invest in a staple piece that will last for many winters, consider this classic pair of Gucci loafers that have been all the rage this year.

  1. Oxfords

These are quintessential, going-back-to-school shoes, but they’re a smart choice when it’s time to head back to the office, too. Most pairs lace up and protect your feet from the wintery chill. What’s more, they’re way easier to walk in than stilettos.

You can wear old-school saddle shoes, like these Predictions saddle oxford shoes. You can also play up your masculine side with this handsome, brown-blue option by U-lite. Some oxford shoes even come with a short, thick heel for a feminine touch.

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Wear Wedges

Not only are wedges far more comfortable, but they’re also much safer. What’s more, you can find stylish winter boots with a wedge heel, so you don’t have to look like an alpine hiker when you’re out running errands.

There are so many wedge boots to choose from, and they can look both professional or casual. Here are just a few choices that might be perfect:

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You can wear high heels during the winter months. Keep things easy on your feet by being smart about your stiletto choices. This way you don’t have to sacrifice style just because of the temperature drops.

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